水研ぎ  パート1 その利点  “Sanding with a Lubricant, 潤滑剤を用いてのサンディング 


This article, “Sanding with a Lubricant,” by Mike Peace, is from the pages of American Woodturner and is brought to you by the America Association of Woodturners (AAW) in partnership with Woodworker’s Journal.

You would not wet-shave without soap, would you? And yet, many woodturners are perfectly willing to sand without lubrication. Sanding with a lubricant, or wet-sanding, has been around a while, but many woodturners still have not tried it, despite its advantages. In this article, you’ll learn why you should use wet-sanding techniques for some of your woodturning, and how to wet-sand properly. We’ll also discuss different sanding lubricants— and how to make your own.


Why Wet-sand?

Probably the most significant advantage is that wet-sanding all but eliminates sanding dust. The dust mixes with the lubricant to form a slurry that keeps the dust trapped and out of the air so you do not have to breathe it.

Breathing fine dust is a major longterm health hazard we woodturners want to avoid. Avoiding fine dust is especially critical when sanding rosewoods, many other exotics, and woods known to be irritants or sensitizers that set us up for respiratory problems down the road. We avoid breathing the most dangerous very fine dust particles with a combination of approaches like a dust collection system, air filtration units, dust masks, and powered respirators. Adding wet-sanding to our arsenal can be a major benefit to our lungs.

Another benefit is that the fine dust and lubricant creates a slurry that fills the pores of the wood to provide a smoother surface. If that lubricant is one that hardens, as discussed below, it can help seal the surface. The lubricant also helps keep the abrasive from loading up, or clogging, allowing the abrasive to cut better and thus sand faster.

In addition, the heat caused by conventional sanding can cause heat checks, those small cracks in the wood that go deep and are almost impossible to sand out. Using a lubricant reduces heat from friction in two ways. Because the lubricated abrasive cuts better, one does not have to sand as long, and a lubricant also helps keep the surface cooler.

Finally, almost any liquid applied to a wooden surface can help reveal scratches. This is especially true when you focus a concentrated light on the surface at a raking angle. Shining the light at about a 45-degree angle to the wetted surface reveals the highs and lows and shadows of tool marks and scratches.

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