
MIke  Darlowさんの"Woodturning  design"に次のような絵がありました。

マイク・ダーローさんがその書籍Woodturning designで、いかにして基本の形からバラエティ豊かにするかを絵と共に説明されています。なるほどなと思いました。
 The arrangement and design of parts and their role in promoting variety illustrated using the designs of candlesticks.
Illustration 31, shows a candlestick at almost its most basic.
Illustration 30. A, left, shows a basic socket. B, right, shows a socket with greater variety. The depth and diameter of the vertical hole which houses the bottom part of the candle is a matter of fitness, as are the total height of the candlestick and the diameter of its base.
Illustration 32. Drawing a demonstrates how the vertical lengths of the various parts should be varied from one another, and that one part should always be longer than the rest. Drawing b shows that the diameters of the parts should be varied. Join all the horizontal lines in drawing b with different curves and straight lines (drawing c), "and you have the candlestick" in drawing d and illustration 33. Two styles of the same candlestick are shown in illustration 33, that on the right being more ornate.
Illustration 34. This candlestick "appears crowded" having been divided into a much greater number of parts. It "wants distinctness of form on a near view, and loses the effect of variety at a distance".

北欧テイストな木のお店 リーベルクラフト Liber Craft

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